6 Tips For Powerful SEO

6 Tips For Powerful SEO

Among the most important SEO aspects of any website, content creation is one of the most important. But how do you go about optimizing content? There are several steps to take, from keyword research to Internal linking. This article will go over a few of these...
Why SEO is So Important For Your Website

Why SEO is So Important For Your Website

Why SEO is so important is simple. It helps your website appear organically in the search engines based on the keywords that potential customers use to find your product. By making your website appear in the search engines, potential leads can find your business and...
Different Types of SEO

Different Types of SEO

SEO consists of two distinct categories. Technical and structural. Technical SEO refers to backend programming and structural elements of your website. Both have the same goal of getting your website ranked higher for relevant search terms. Technical SEO is an...
12 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate & Double Conversions

12 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate & Double Conversions

If your google analytics shows a bounce rate of 80% or above then your business is in danger. This means your competitors are getting a huge amount of search traffic. They are making more money and sales while your business is struggling for survival. But the good...
What is Google Panda penalty and How you can avoid it?

What is Google Panda penalty and How you can avoid it?

In 2011 Google decided to identify and punish the Thin and Poor Content. To do so they made a new program called Panda penalty. This Algorithm scans millions of pages and identifies poorly written content. Such content that is not beneficial for google users is called...